TRT - Metode: ScheduledMatches
TRT - Metode: ScheduledMatches
Skal du hente kamper med klubbtilgang? Da må du bruke denne metoden: TRT - Metode: ScheduledMatches/Club
Metoden gir deg informasjon om kommende kamper for et lag, en særidrettsgruppe eller en klubb.
Metoden har støtte for følgende orgid’er:
Orgtyper | Forklaring | OrgId eksempel |
Orgtype 7: Team / Lag | Tertnes Elite - KSr 1 | 470538 |
OrgType 6: Gruppe for særidrett | Håndball | 449908 |
OrgType 5: Klubb / Idrettslag | Tertnes Elite | 205270 |
JSON Request
OrgId i URL
Valgfri querystring paramter: tournamentid=123456
Gir da kun kamper i valgte turnering/seriespill
JSON Response
"id": 7597715,
"matchId": 7597715,
"matchNo": "11029401002",
"activityAreaId": 9680,
"activityAreaLatitude": "62.68283781075722",
"activityAreaLongitude": "6.6689699259679855",
"activityAreaName": "Midsundhallen",
"activityAreaNo": "01",
"admOrgId": 609,
"arrOrgId": 61000,
"arrOrgName": "Midsund IL",
"arrOrgNo": "GR15450001330",
"awayteam": "Bergsøy - KSr 1",
"awayteamId": 224136,
"awayteamOrgName": "Bergsøy",
"awayteamOrgNo": "LA15150001248",
"awayteamClubOrgId": 26012,
"hometeam": "Midsund - KSr 1",
"hometeamId": 224652,
"hometeamOrgName": "Midsund",
"hometeamOrgNo": "LA15450001089",
"hometeamClubOrgId": 26240,
"roundId": 1,
"roundName": "Runde 1",
"seasonId": 200976,
"tournamentId": 412545,
"tournamentName": "4. divisjon Kvinner TrønderEnergi-serien - 01",
"matchDate": "2022-11-27T00:00:00",
"matchStartTime": 1700,
"matchEndTime": 1815,
"venueUnitId": 4443,
"venueUnitNo": null,
"venueId": 1529,
"venueNo": "15450006",
"physicalAreaId": 9565,
"matchResult": null,
"liveArena": true,
"liveClientType": "Standard",
"statusTypeId": 1,
"statusType": "Opprettet",
"lastChangeDate": "2022-09-21T17:02:07.53",
"spectators": null,
"actualMatchDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"actualMatchStartTime": null,
"actualMatchEndTime": null,
"id": 7597718,
"matchId": 7597718,
"matchNo": "11029401005",
"activityAreaId": 9264,
"activityAreaLatitude": "62.855371",
"activityAreaLongitude": "7.15196370000001",
"activityAreaName": "Frænahallen",
"activityAreaNo": "01",
"admOrgId": 609,
"arrOrgId": 61003,
"arrOrgName": "Elnesvågen og Omegn IL Håndball",
"arrOrgNo": "GR15480022330",
"awayteam": "Bergsøy - KSr 1",
"awayteamId": 224136,
"awayteamOrgName": "Bergsøy",
"awayteamOrgNo": "LA15150001248",
"awayteamClubOrgId": 26012,
"hometeam": "Elnesvågen - KSr 1",
"hometeamId": 224317,
"hometeamOrgName": "Elnesvågen",
"hometeamOrgNo": "LA15480022022",
"hometeamClubOrgId": 26272,
"roundId": 1,
"roundName": "Runde 1",
"seasonId": 200976,
"tournamentId": 412545,
"tournamentName": "4. divisjon Kvinner TrønderEnergi-serien - 01",
"matchDate": "2022-11-20T00:00:00",
"matchStartTime": 1600,
"matchEndTime": 1715,
"venueUnitId": 4446,
"venueUnitNo": null,
"venueId": 3032,
"venueNo": "15480022",
"physicalAreaId": 7861,
"matchResult": null,
"liveArena": true,
"liveClientType": "Standard",
"statusTypeId": 1,
"statusType": "Opprettet",
"lastChangeDate": "2022-09-21T17:02:07.53",
"spectators": null,
"actualMatchDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"actualMatchStartTime": null,
"actualMatchEndTime": null,
URL | Metode | Scope | Client Claims (optional) |
{{dataurl}}/api/v1/ta/ScheduledMatches | GET | data_ta_read | sport_id |
Mer om statustyper se TRT - Metode: Match
, multiple selections available,
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